Navigation and Hydrography # 51/2018

1. Safety of Navigation. Risk Assessment and Risk Management. N. I. Ledenyev, V. A. Maksimov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2018. – No. 51. – Р. 7–15.

The article considers the influence of the human factor on the dynamics of maritime safety, analyzes methods and models for risk assessment, and provides practical recommendations on risk management.

Keywords:   safety of navigation, risk management, assessment methods, human factor.

2. The «Skala» Hardware-Software Apparatus for Estimation of the Error of Definition of the Absolute Velocity the Hydroacoustic Log. M. L. Bogdanovich, M. A. Chistov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2018. – No. 51. – Р. 16–21.

In article the «SKALA» hardware-software complex for an estimation of errors of definition of an absolute velocity of hydroacoustic absolute logs is considered.

Keywords:   a hydroacoustic absolute log, an absolute velocity, «GLONASS», satellite geodesic equipment, calibration.

3. To the Issue of Increasing the Accuracy and Stealth of the Navigational Complex of Submarines. P. I. Maleyev, A. B. Popov – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2018. – No. 51. – Р. 8–12.

The article considers the prospects of using absolute gravimeters in the navigational complex of submarines. The potential accuracy of absolute gravimeters is many orders of magnitude higher than that of relative gravimeters, and does not depend on the speed and course of the object. When working with them, you do not need to periodically return to a control point. As a result, it becomes possible to increase the autonomy of the navigation complex by increasing the time between using external correction means that can unmask the submarine.

Keywords:   navigation complexes, inertial systems, absolute gravimeters, submarines, stealth.

4. Effect of Vessel Roll of the Doppler Log in Sonar Contact with Bottom. M. L. Bogdanovich, N. L. Gorbunov, M. A. Chistov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2018. – No. 51. – Р. 22–31.

The method of determination of angle shift of beam pattern of combined hydroacoustic antenna of absolute hydroacoustic log during signal propagation by the track: transmiting antenna – bottom – receiving antenna, is developed and applied. Results of calculation of angle position of beam pattern parametres under a rolling influence is presented.

Keywords:   hydroacoustic Doppler log, vessel roll, beam pattern of hydroacoustic antenna, angle position parametres.

5. To the Question of Creating an Absolute Gravimeter for Marine Mobile Objects. P. I. Maleyev, A. B. Popov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2018. – No. 51. – Р. 31–39.

The article gives a comparative evaluation of the accuracy characteristics of relative and absolute gravimeters and their features. It is noted that relative gravimeters have received wide development and use on marine mobile objects. A number of technical solutions have been considered, the implementation of which will make it possible to create an absolute gravimeter for marine mobile objects.

Keywords:   absolute gravimeters, relative gravimeters, acceleration of gravity, marine objects, interferometers, navigation.

6. Method for Calculating Initial Astronomical Arguments in Harmonic Analysis of Tides. Y. N. Zhukov, E. V. Fedorova. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2018. – No. 51. – Р. 40–49.

Formulas are given that allow one to calculate astronomical arguments for any year and thereby ensure the applicability of PGS-34 when calculating harmonic constants for modern sea level observations.

Keywords:   tides, astronomical elements, astronomical arguments.

7. Method for Determining the Time of Aerial Photography of the Shoreline with Allowance for Tidal Sea Level Fluctuations. Y. N. Zhukov, E. V. Fedorova. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2018. – No. 51. – Р. 50–55.

It is proposed to plan the time of aerial photography of the coastline taking into account the moments of the onset of maximally complete and minimally small tidal waters during the Merton cycle period.

Keywords:   tides, aerial photography, coastline, cartography.

8. On the Issue of Creating a System of Static Databases of Background Environmental Conditions for Information Support of Marine Radio-Electronic Means. O. A. Gasnikov, V. I. Guseva, A. F. Zenkov, A. V. Kostenich, S. I. Mastryukov, M. N. Soboleva, K. G. Stavrov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2018. – No. 51. – Р. 56–62.

Based on the analysis of foreign and domestic experience of informational support of naval activity with information on the state of the natural environment, it is shown that at the present stage of the development of maritime management systems, the need for adequate recording of a set of indicators of the state of the natural environment and their representation in digital form has sharply increased. The conclusion is made about the importance and urgency of solving problems on assessing the quality of foreign grid arrays of indicators of the state of the natural environment and developing a specialized databases to support the operation of marine radio-electronic means.

Keywords:   natural environment, grid arrays, geospatial information, marine activities, radio electronic means, digital models.

9. Prospects for Creating an Interactive Automated System for Providing Long-term Hydrometeorological Information to the Navy's Command and Control Agencies. Y. N. Zhukov, N. N. Zhiltsov. – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2018. – No. 51. – Р. 63–70.

The modern development of digital technologies opens the possibility of replacing existing climate publications with an interactive automated system for providing long-term hydrometeorological information to the military command and control agencies of the Navy, which provides user feedback to the system. It is shown that the creation of such a system will allow to organize the issuance of climate warnings, extend the range of prognostic products to 45 days.

Keywords:   climate benefits, hydrometeorological support, decision making, weather forecasts, climate variability, climate warnings, long-term meteorological forecasts.

10. The Main Provisions of the Concept of Creating a Library of Grid Bases for Indicators of the State of the Marine Environment for Information Support of Hydroacoustic Calculations. O. A. Gasnikov, V. I. Guseva, A. V. Kostenich, S. I. Mastryukov, M. N. Soboleva, K. G. Stavrov (GNINGI, JSC) – Navigation and Hydrography. – 2018. – No. 51. – Р. 71–78.

The requirements to grid bases of indicators of the state of the natural environment designed to support hydroacoustic calculations are generalized. Based on the analysis of available information resources, domestic and foreign experience, the conceptual foundations for creating grid arrays are outlined and proposals for their development are worked out.

Keywords:   natural environment, grid array, geospatial information, marine activities, hydroacoustic means, digital model.

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